happy 85th anniversary to Gm. woke up at 9 and bath. then met liru and went sku together. then i skip the duty, cause also nothing do. so i rather go play. then went to spend the $8 coupon. then went to bath at 2 in sku. the water's free so i spent 15mins inside and pushing the the tap. then we played the powder, the whole floor white colour. then changed, went to primary sku, sit there the open deck is like, got air con alr loh. so beggar.then after the refreshments we sat at the canteen the stairs there, shun bian eat and watch the concert.then eat finish go pack. some bitches dont want to do anything and still say they do alot. so rich call parents to donate money to the sku buy more facilities lah. money also not they earn one. their family bankrupt see wad they do. then got to sit 1st row middle of the seatings.then sing sing sing, go home.
The name is Emily, currently 15 getting older every year at 14oct Lambo is ♥.
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