okay, basically, i hate the old hag. she thinks shes tall. which shes not. after sch, went to the library with liru and natalie to read books. liru doing pw afterwards, we were just accompanying her. then what, my teeth have holes! which makes breathing diffcult as keep making sounds. sad. then saw heather, she so hardworking do math homework. i keep bothering her, say dont know how do dont do and etc. then natalie also start doing homework, me and liru at there move here move there. read books, then lose interest. then i want buy soya ice cream but not enough money. heather gave me 50cent. no need return. lol. next time need allowance take frm her. walked home after that. heather still doing homework. then bathed, alot moth in my house the light. i keep turning off the lights until my mum fed up. joanne borrowed dictonary frm me for tml the word power test. lucky mine is after recess. ciao, end of report sir!
The name is Emily, currently 15 getting older every year at 14oct Lambo is ♥.
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