total defence day today. worn full-U for the whole day, so paiseh. kelier force me to tie 2 pony tail if not i do 100pumping. so bad loh. prefect somemore.then go class everyone got so many comments, i drew a ginger bread man and they can still see that is a soldier. good wong not gonna come for the next whole week as re-service! yay!! got IT enrichment course after sch. only got a few ppl come. we keep spamming the msn. lol. Joycelyn is F cup , Chee Seong is Z cup. went for guides after that. only practise the singing for 5 min. then walking 10min. then games and taps. went home and re-sew my badges. i finished sewing it. and looks better!bye, i gonna change blogskin.
The name is Emily, currently 15 getting older every year at 14oct Lambo is ♥.
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