no mass pe today, but the mr kang keep talking about the YOG. what has it to do with us? went to comb lab 4 for CME.blahblah, english, the oral presentation, my turn was today, just as the bell for recess rang, i prepared to stand up then she called my name. super suey.anyway, over and done music today, every time no music. we missed alot lesson alr. then art, i finished making my kite. but cannot fly it until the whole class finishes. so i flew it on the staircase. then lit, acted out, so boring.then chinese. i got 38 marks, i am so going to be dead, i haven let my mum see it yet. i didn't bring it wong make us stayed back for detention, standing there for very long. then missed roll call. Launderer badge beibei and shermaine nvr come. so they next year and cordelia messed with the upper sec guys pants for a while. tried on the pants. too long and the size is like 38. we wore it! then is like, so big, wide and long.the sec 1 going to buy their uniform tml! so not fair. we bought it in august last year.damn, practical is on monday and i didn't like prepare for it.
The name is Emily, currently 15 getting older every year at 14oct Lambo is ♥.
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